Networks and distributed systems
University Bielefeld - Faculty of technology

WWWDesign summer semester 1996


Description and introduction
in German.
A sample HTML page
HTML command reference
HTML "3.0 beta" command reference and some examples
Introduction to frames and Examples of Frames use
used in the lecture on Frames by C. Büschking
Here are the slides
and some related documents.
used in the lecture on Text-Description and Theories of Communication, by Prof. Dr. Dafydd Gibbon

Selected essays and works in written for the seminar credit.
VRML-virtual explorable University
by VRML-Group (needs VRML 1.0 capable browser)
The structure of the World Wide Web
by Christian Bauckhage (english, inlcudes Frames, please use Netscape 2.0+ and higher versions)
Fictous company site
by Viktor Walz (german)
a complete simple WWW Site for a fictous company, including the structure-specifiation and infomation on the development for such custom-build sites
Java-file manager via Internet (feasibility study)
by Wali Baqai and Peter Munsche (german, includes Java-applets)
the study has an discussion on the problem encountered.
The general idea was however to biuld a fully browser/java based
user interface and desktop.
Security Risks in Java and Javascript
by Ellen Latz (english)
gives an chronological overview of the java-bug problems, explaining them
and additionally providing links to sites, we`re the bugs can be experienced
Schools in the Internet
by Thorsten Köpsel (german with english abstract)
Essay on it and how to put schools on the internet
Conaining an commented specification and
a complete WWW Site for a fictous school
Fictuous organisiation
by Daniel Haenle (german/english)
a complete simple WWW site for an organisation
Created 30.9.1996
Reviewed 30.9.1996
by Ahmed A. Faisal