Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme

Universität Bielefeld - Technische Fakultät

Anwendung der Logik (Applications of Logic)

Prof. Dr. Peter Ladkin

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Last modified 18 June 1997

This seminar was first held in Summer Semester 1996. After a general introduction to logic by Prof. Ladkin (Syntax and Semantics of propositional and predicate logic; Hilbert systems; natural deduction; sequent calculi), participants gave lectures on their choice of application of logic in computer science.

The lectures and notes are:

Those interested in theorem provers for different propositional logics over the WWW can check out the Logics Workbench version 1.0, developed at the Universität Bern in the Theoretical Informatics and Logic group of Prof. Gerhard Jäger by Alain Heuerding, Stefan Schwendimann, and others.

Peter Ladkin, 1995-09-27