Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme

Universität Bielefeld - Technische Fakultät

RVS Course Descriptions and Notes

Prof. Dr. Peter Ladkin

[ Main | Index of Courses ]

Last modified 18 June 1997

We work on: specification and verification, especially of algorithms and systems with a distributed character or in telecommunications or aeronautical contexts; analysis and optimisation of parallel programs; constraint satisfaction methods and temporal reasoning; logical, philosophical and ethical issues in computing.

Our coordinates in [ English | Deutsch | français | italiano ]

We develop all our courses and seminars using a Tadpole Sparcbook 3GX `laptop' computer running Solaris 2.4. Course and seminar slides in dvi, Postscript or html format are installed on the Sparcbook and displayed using an external transparent monitor on an overhead projector. We aim to go paperless and plasticless, but not brainless ............. A resumé of our plans was prepared for the University's 1st MultiMediaTag on 24 June 1996.

Current Course and Seminar Abstracts

[ Summer Semester 1997 | Winter Semester 1996-97 ]

Betriebssysteme (Operating Systems) - Technische Informatik I

[ KVV Abstrakt | Course HomePage ] (In German)

The Operating Systems course is normally given in Summer Semester. The HomePage includes links to the lecture slides, an introductory Skript by Michael Blume, Dirk Henkel and Lutz Sommerfeld, introductions to LaTeX and TLA+, and various secondary resources.

System-Spezifikation und Verifikation (System Specification and Verification)

[ KVV Abstrakt | Course HomePage ]

The course and seminar on Specification and Verification of Concurrent Systems is normally given Winter Semester in alternate years. The course is based on Lamport's Temporal Logic of Actions (TLA) and the specification language TLA+. The course works through various examples of hand verifications in TLA. The seminar has the form of a discussion group, in which various specification examples with errors are worked through and corrected. Participants gain practical experience with using proof attempts to analyse hierarchical specifications. The example is a series of attempted specifications of the Radio Link Protocol (RLP1) retransmission mechanism.

Grundlagen der System-Korrektheit und Versagen
    (Foundations of System Correctness and Failure)

[ Course HomePage ]

The course and seminar will be given first in Winter Semester 1997/98, thereafter in alternate years, alternating with System Specification and Verification. The course will be based on Prof. Ladkin's hypertextbook on the same subject. Seminar participants will study and report on the WB-Graph method of system failure analysis, and other relevant topics in system safety and reliability not covered thoroughly in the lectures.

Unix System-Administration (same in English)

[ KVV Abstrakt | Seminar HomePage ]

The Unix SysAdmin seminar was first held in Summer Semester 1997. The HomePage includes a selection of the best talks given by participants, as well as the description of the themes from which they made their selection.

Anwendung der Logik (Applications of Logic)

[ KVV Abstrakt | Seminar HomePage ]

The Anwendung der Logik seminar was first held in Summer Semester 1996. The HomePage includes an introduction to logic by Prof. Ladkin, and lecture notes on various applications of logic in computer science by the participants.

Seminar on Computers, Society and Security

[ KVV Abstrakt | Seminar HomePage ]

The seminar was first held in Summer Semester 1996. Various themes felt to be important for social life were discussed and worked on.

WWW-Design Seminar

[ KVV Abstrakt | WWW-Design HomePage ]

The WWW-Design seminar has been held Summer Semester 1996, Winter Semester 19996/97 and Summer Semester 1997 jointly by Ahmed Faisal and Prof. Ladkin. The point of the seminar has been to introduce participants to tools and techniques for making effective use of the World Wide Web for communication and computing. Following a series of lectures on `standard' issues, participants give lectures on their individual seminar projects on the WWW. Use of the WWW during these presentations is required.

RVS Arbeitsgemeinschaft Seminar (Working Group Seminar)

[ KVV Abstrakt ]

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft seminar meets normally every semester. Seminar participants have worked on various themes and written papers available on the RVS Publications Page and RVS Unix System Documentation. These include working on

Practical System Administration Experience

Besides the Working Group Seminar, various people are helping set up and maintain the RVS computer network, which consists of various Sun Sparc 4, Sparc 20 and Ultra 1 workstations, a portable Sparcbook 3GX, and a PC running Windows NT. Past and present Sysadmins are: In addition, have assisted greatly with tutorial WWW pages and lecture notes, and installation of various system software.

Peter Ladkin, 1995-09-27