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Lehrveranstaltungen/Courses Offered by the RVS Group

Sprechstunden/Office Hours

Gesprächstermine werden Mittwochs in der Zeit 14:00 - 15.00 von Prof. Ladkin per Termin angeboten. Um einen Termin zu vereinbaren, bitte eine E-Mail an die Sekretärin der RVS-Gruppe, Frau Heike Samuel, schicken oder Frau Samuel Mo-Fr vor 14.00 anrufen (Nr: 0521 106-6882)

Prof. Ladkin offers appointments for discussion of matters concerning coursework on Wednesdays from 14.00 to 15.00. To make an appointment, please e-mail the RVS Secretary Ms. Heike Samuel or call Ms. Samuel Mon-Fri before 14.00 (0521 106-6882).

Courses, including lectures, seminars and labs, offered by the RVS Group
(most descriptions are in English as well as German)

Wir glauben, dass Studierenden die Technik der Informatik am besten durch Übungen und andere praktische Erfahrungsmethoden lernen, "Learning by doing" und deshalb sind alle unserer Lehrangebote mit Übungen oder Laborveranstaltungen eng verbunden.

We believe that the technology of informatics ist best learnt through practice, "learning by doing", and so all our course offerings are closely accompanied by exercise classes or laboratory work.

Current Course Offerings / Aktuelles Angebot

Lectures by theme

Applied Logic, Causal Reasoning

Computernetzwerke/Computer Networks, Verteilte Systeme/Distributed Systems, Digitale Kommunikation/Digital Communication

Computational Natural Language Systems


System Administration

System Safety and Security, Why-Because Analysis, Software Engineering

Technische Informatik/Technical Informatics (Rechnerarchitektur/Computer Architecture und/and Betriebssysteme/Operating Systems)

World Wide Web (HTML, VRX, Design etc.)

Lectures by semester

Examination information