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Regelmässige RVS-Lehrveranstaltungen/Regular RVS Course Offerings
Sommersemester/Summer Semester (April-Juli/July)

In keeping with the "internationalisation" of our Courses of Study, to make them attractive for students from other countries, the course offerings of the RVS group are conducted in English if the participants wish it. We have found also that many students of informatics whose native language is German also wish to improve their English and request that courses be conducted in English. The course desciptions here are in both German and English.

Sprechstunden/Office Hours

Gesprächstermine werden Mittwochs in der Zeit 14:00 - 15.00 von Prof. Ladkin per Termin angeboten. Um einen Termin zu vereinbaren, bitte eine E-Mail an die Sekretärin der RVS-Gruppe, Frau Heike Samuel, schicken oder Frau Samuel Mo-Fr vor 14.00 anrufen (Nr: 0521 106-6882)

Prof. Ladkin offers appointments for discussion of matters concerning coursework on Wednesdays from 14.00 to 15.00. To make an appointment, please e-mail the RVS Secretary Ms. Heike Samuel or call Ms. Samuel Mon-Fri before 14.00 (0521 106-6882).

Lehrveranstaltungen/Courses Offered

Digitale Kommunikation und Internetdienste/Digital Communications and Internet Services: Seminar
Digitale Kommunikation/Digital Communications: Labor/Laboratory
System Safety and Security II: Vorlesung/Lecture
System Safety and Security II: Begleitseminar/Accompanying Seminar
Requirements- und/and Design-Engineering

Digitale Kommunikation und Internetdienste/Digital Communications and Internet Services: Seminar

Beleg-Nr.: Siehe/See eKVV
Zeit und Raum/Time and Place:Donnerstag/Thursday 12:00 - 14:00 in C0-259

Teilnehmer der Veranstaltung werden im Absprache mit derdem VeranstalterIn ein Thema im allgemeinen Bereich digitaler Kommunkation oder Internetdienste vereinbaren und einen Vortrag mit Folien und schriftlichen Unterlagen im Seminar im Laufe des Semesters halten.

Participants will choose a theme generally in the area of digital communications or Internet services by arrangement with the lecturer, and give a lecture on this theme, with slides and accompanying written report, in the seminar during the meetings.

Veranstaltungsunterlagen/Reference Material: Digitale Kommunikation und Internetdienste Webseite sowie Veranstaltungsunterlagen zum Labor Digitale Kommunikation/as well as reference material for the Laboratory in digital communications:

Literatur/Reference Material:

Digitale Kommunikation/Digital Communications: Labor/Laboratory

Beleg-Nr.: Siehe/See eKVV
Zeit und Raum/Time and Place: Mittwoch/Wednesdays 14:00 - 15:00 in C0-259

Die Veranstaltung führt in die grundlegenden Techniken und Anwendungen des Internet praktisch ein. Um die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten und Potentiale des Internet optimal nutzen zu können, bedarf es eines tiefen Verständnisses der technischen Grundlagen des Internet und der Konzepte des World Wide Web. Das praktische Erlernen dieser Grundlagen auf Basis der im vorherigen Semester vorgestellten theoretischen Grundlagen ist Ziel des Labors. Die Inhalte umfassen dabei eine grundlegende Unix/Linux-Einführung, praktische Vernetzung, das Beobachten des Netzverkehrs, grundlegende Konfiguration eines Cisco-Switches unter IOS u.v.m.

The lab course gives a practical introduction to the basic techniques and applications in computer networking. In order to understand the possibilities and potential of optimal use of the Internet, it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the technical basics. The goal of the lab for participants is to learn these practical skills on the basis of the theory expounded in the first part of the course (Winter Semester). Course contents will include practical use of Unix/Linux, construction of a network, observation of net traffic, configuration of switches and routers. This course is hands-on.

Voraussetzung/Required Prerequisites: Digitale Kommunikation und Internetdienste I

Veranstaltungsunterlagen/Reference Material: (WS2004/2005)

Literatur/Reference Material:

System Safety and Security II: Vorlesung/Lecture

System Safety and Security II: Begleitseminar/Accompanying Seminar

Beleg-Nr.: Siehe/See eKVV
Zeit und Raum/Time and Place: Vorlesung/Lectures freitags/fridays, 10:00-12:00 in C0-259
Seminar freitags/fridays 14.00-16.00 in C0-259

The main themes of this lecture and its accompanying seminar are technical engineering risk assessment. Risk assessment is a necessary activity in developing safety-critical systems, and a written document detailing the assessment and accompanying evidence is required by most standards governing the implementation and operation of safety-critical engineered systems.

The basic concepts of risk for technical engineering systems are treated, including a comparison of variations of these concepts across the engineering literature. These concepts are, broadly, those of accident, or loss event, hazard, damage, as well as probability and conditional probability. Because of the uncertainties involved in assessing the possible impact of rare events, many have argued that Bayesian interpretations of probability are more appropriate than frequentist; we will discuss it. Various engineering approximations have been made to the original (De Moivre) concept of "risk" from 1711, and the validity of these approximations will also be discussed, in particular the general requirement to assign "worst-case" outcomes as the severity associated with hazards, and its effect in possible overestimation of risk.

The concepts underlying the international standard governing the functional safety of systems involving electrical, electronic and programmable electronic (E/E/PE) subsystem or components, IEC 61508, will be discussed in depth, with some "insider" insight into the guidelines for application of the standard to safety-critical software development (Part 3 of the standard) in Germany.

If time permits, the lectures will also include and introduction to Ontological Hazard Analysis, a technique developed in the RVS group and shown best in the doctoral thesis of Bernd Sieker

The accompanying seminar and associated laboratory work will introduce participants to "classical" methods of hazard analysis and assessment, such as FMEA, FMECA, Cause-Consequence Analysis, Event-Tree- and Fault-Tree-Analysis, along with their strengths and weaknesses, as well as Ontological Hazard Analysis, through working a series of simplified practical examples.

Literatur/Reference Material

Die Literatur besteht u.a. aus dem Buch Causal System Analysis Vier Kopien des Buches befinden sich im Semester-Apparat. Ausserdem liegen Teile des Buches auf unseren WWW-Seiten unter Publications, im Buch Why-Because Analysis, RVS-Bk-98-01 sowie im Notes on the Foundations of System Safety and Risk, RVS-Bk-00-01, bei Ausserdem sind sämtliche Papers auf den Seiten von der Tech-Transfer-Firma Causalis Limited auch relevant.

Some of the course material may be found in the book Causal System Analysis. Four copies of the book may be found in the university library in the "Semesterapparat" for the course. PDF copies of relevant chapters of the book may also be found in the RVS group Publications pages, as well as in Notes on the Foundations of System Safety and Risk, RVS-Bk-00-01, also on our publications pages. Various publications on the site of the tech-transfer company Causalis Limited are also relevant.

Applied Logic II: Seminar

Beleg-Nr.: Siehe/See eKVV
Leistungspunkte/Credit Points: 2 (von/out of 5)
Zeit und Raum/Time and Place:Dienstags/Tuesdays 14-16 im/in C0-288

Formal logic is used in varied places in informatics. Propositional and predicate logic, as well as temporal logic and higher-order logic are used in the verification and validation of computer algorithms, software and hardware for highly-reliable and safety-critical systems. Belief and epistemic logics are used in symbolic artificial intelligence, especially in multi-agent systems. Causal logics may be used in the analysis of complex systems and their accidents. Probability and inductive logic is (or should be!) used in the assessment of the risk of safety-critical systems. Various logics are used in formal semantics in computational linguistics.

This two-part course offers a practical introduction to these formal logics for those who are already acquainted with the basics of propositional logic and the language of predicate logic, such as found in the theoretical informatics course or the introduction to logic offered by the Philosophy and Linguistics Departments.

The second part of the course deals with formal inference and the semantics of various "non-classical" logics such as normal modal logics, temporal logic, and conditional logics (including part of probability logic if time permits). The format is similar to that of the Applied Logic I seminar: after an introduction to the material by the lecturer, participants will give their solutions to selected problems from the literature in the form of a short presentation.

Literatur/Reading Material