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<title>AG RVS - Regelm&auml;ssige RVS-Lehrveranstaltungen/Regular RVS Course Offerings <BR>Wintersemester/Winter Semester (Oktober/October-M&auml;rz/March)</title>
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<span class="Caption2"><a href="http://www.uni-bielefeld.de">Bielefeld University</a> - <a href="http://www.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de">Faculty of Technology</a><br></span>
<span class="Caption1">Networks and Distributed Systems<br></span>
<span class="Caption2">Research group of Prof. Peter Bernard Ladkin, Ph.D.</span>
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<h1 class="pagetitle">Regelm&auml;ssige RVS-Lehrveranstaltungen/Regular RVS Course Offerings <BR>Wintersemester/Winter Semester (Oktober/October-M&auml;rz/March)</h1>In keeping with the "internationalisation" of our Courses of Study, to make them attractive for students from
other countries, the course offerings of the RVS group are conducted in English if the participants wish it.
We have found also that many students of informatics whose native language is German also wish to improve their
English and request that courses be conducted in English. The course desciptions here are in both German and

<H3>Sprechstunden/Office Hours</H3>

Gespr&auml;chstermine werden Mittwochs in der Zeit 14:00 - 15.00 von Prof. Ladkin per Termin angeboten. 
Um einen Termin zu vereinbaren, bitte eine E-Mail an die Sekret&auml;rin der RVS-Gruppe,
<a href="mailto:heike@cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de">Frau Heike Samuel</A>, schicken oder Frau Samuel Mo-Fr vor 14.00 anrufen (Nr: 0521 106-6882)
Prof. Ladkin offers appointments for discussion of matters concerning coursework on Wednesdays from 14.00 to 15.00.
To make an appointment, please e-mail the RVS Secretary 
<a href="mailto:heike@cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de">Ms. Heike Samuel</A> 
or call Ms. Samuel Mon-Fri before 14.00 (0521 106-6882).

<H3>Lehrveranstaltungen/Courses Offered</H3>

<a href="#DKI">Digitale Kommunikation und Internetdienste/Digital Communication and Internet Services: Vorlesung/Lecture</a><br>
<a href="#DKI">&Uuml;bungen/Exercises: Digitale Kommunikation und Internetdienste</a><br>
<A href="#SSSILec">System Safety and Security: Vorlesung/Lecture</A><BR>
<A href="#SSSILab">System Safety and Security: Labor/Laboratory</A><BR>
<A href="#AppLog">Applied Logic I: Seminar</A><BR>
<A href="#ThAppLog">Themes in Applied Logic: Seminar</A><BR>
<!-- <A href="#392189">Themen in System- und Softwareengineering</A><BR> -->
<a name="DKI"></a><a name="392140"></a>
<H2>Digitale Kommunikation und Internetdienste/Digital Communication and Internet Services: Vorlesung und &Uuml;bungen/Lecture and Exercise Session</H2>
<p> <b>Vorlesungs-Beleg-Nr.:</b> Siehe/See eKVV<br>
  <b>Vorlesungs-</b><b>Zeit und Raum/Time and Place :</b> Donnerstag/Thursday 12-14 in C0-281<br>
  <b>&Uuml;bungs-Beleg-Nr.:</b> Siehe eKVV<br>
  <B>Leistungspunkte/Credit Points:</B> 3 (Vorlesung/Lecture) + 2 (&Uuml;bungen/Exercises) (von/out of 10)<BR>
  <b>&Uuml;bungs-Zeit und -Raum/Exercises Time and Place:</b> Mittwoch/Wednesday 12-14 in C0-281<br>
<p>Die Lehrveranstaltung f&uuml;hrt in die grundlegenden Techniken und Anwendungen 
  des Internet ein. 
  Die Inhalte der Vorlesungen 
  umfassen haupts&auml;chlich die &uuml;bliche Local-Area-Net-Technologie Ethernet,
  die Internet Protokolle TCP und IP und ausgew&auml;lte Dienste (z.B. WWW, E-Mail, FTP). 
  Ausserdem wird eine Einf&uuml;hrung in aktuellen Sicherheitsproblemen des Internets gehalten
  und teilweise zur Diskussion gebracht. Das Ziel der Vorlesungen ist, die Teilnehmer das
relevante Wissen beizubringen, um erfolgreich weiter in das Labor (Sommersemester) teilnehmen
zu k&ouml;nnen.
<p>The lecture course offers an introduction to the fundamental technology of the Internet
and its applications. The course concentrates on the Ethernet local-area-network technology, 
and the internet protocols TCP and IP, as well as selected services ("applications") such as
WWW and E-Mail. Further, there is an introduction to current network security problems with
an accompanying discussion. The purpose of the lectures is to prepare students for participation
in the accompanying laboratory, offered in Summer Semester. 
<p><b>Literatur/Reading Material:</b> 
  <li><a href="DKI/index.php">Digitale Kommunikation und Internetdienste Webseite 
    (WS 2004/2005)</a> </li>
  <li>Michael Blume, Heiko Holtkamp, Marcel Holtmann, I Made Wiryana: <a 
    in die Computernetze</a> (deutsch und englisch), RVS-Bk-02, 7 Mai 1998</li>
  <li>Veranstaltungsunteragen zum Labor Digitale Kommunikation: <a href="http://www.rvs.uni-bielefeld.de/lectures/LDK/labor.php">http://www.rvs.uni-bielefeld.de/lectures/LDK/labor.php</a></li>
  <li>Andrew S. Tanenbaum: (deutsch) Computernetzwerke, 4. Auflage, Pearson-Studium, 2003 / (english) Computer Networks, 5th Edition, Pearson, 2011</li>
  <li>Douglas Comer: (deutsch) Computernetze, Pearson-Studium, 2002 / (english) Computer Networks</li>
  <li>James Kurose & Keith Ross: (deutsch) Computernetzwerke - Der Top-Down-Ansatz, 4. Auflage, Pearson-Studium, 2008 / (english) Computer Networking - A Top-Down-Approach, Fifth Edition, Pearson, 2010 </li>
  <li>Peterson/Davie: Computer Networks - A Systems Approach, Morgan Kaufmann 
    Publishers, 2000 </li>
  <li>Panwar, Mao, Ryoo, Li: TCP/IP Essentials A Lab-Based Approach, Cambridge 
    University Press, ISBN 052160124X </li>
  <li>Gerhard Lienemann: TCP/IP - Grundlagen und Praxis, Heise, 2011 </li> 
<a name="SSSILec"></a>
<h2>System Safety und/and Security: Vorlesung/Lecture</h2>
<P> <B>Beleg-Nr.:</B> Siehe/See eKVV<BR>
  <B>Leistungspunkte/Credit Points:</B> 2 (von/out of 5/10)<BR>
  <B>Zeit und Raum/Time and Place:</B> Freitags/Fridays, 10-12 in C0-281<BR>
Diese Vorlesung basiert inhaltlich auf dem Buch <I>Causal System
Analysis</I> von Prof. Ladkin. Teile des Buches sind schon
als Industrie-Tutorium und Konferenz-Beritr&auml;ge gef&uuml;hrt worden.
Das Buch befindet sich per Kapitel unterladbar im Internet-Seite der RVS-Gruppe.
<P>Das erste Teil - dieses Teil - der Modul betrifft Why-Because Analysis (WBA).
Why-Because Analysis ist eine Methode der kausale Erkl&auml;rung
von Unf&auml;llen und Vorf&auml;llen komplexer Systemen. WBA wurde von Peter Ladkin
eingef&uuml;hrt und ist schon im industriellen Einsatz.
Die Vorlesung bietet eine Einf&uuml;hrung in die WBA mit vielen Beispielanalysen an.

The course is based on material in the book Causal System Analysis by Peter Bernard Ladkin.
Parts of the book have been given as industrial tutorials and conference presentations.
The book can be downloaded by chapter from the RVS-group WWW pages.
The first part - this part - of the module concerns Why-Because Analysis (WBA). 
WBA is a method for causal analysis and explanation of accidents and incidents with
complex systems and is in industrial use. WBA was introduced by Peter Ladkin and
is in industrial use. The lectures offer an introduction to WBA through many examples.

<H3>Literatur/Reading Material</H3>
<LI><a href="http://www.rvs.uni-bielefeld.de/publications/books/ComputerSafetyBook/index.html">Ladkin: Causal System Analysis</A>
<LI><a href="http://www.rvs.uni-bielefeld.de/research/WBA/">The WBA Home Page</A>
<LI>Various <a href="http://www.rvs.uni-bielefeld.de/publications/#resreports">Research Reports</a> and
            <a href="http://www.rvs.uni-bielefeld.de/publications/#journals">Publications of Record</a> of the RVS Group
<LI>Various slide presentations and publications from the
            <a href="http://www.rvs.uni-bielefeld.de/Bieleschweig/">Bieleschweig Workshops</a>
<LI> <A href="http://www.csl.sri.com/users/neumann/neumann-book.html">Neumann, Computer-Related Risks</A> (Addison-Wesley, 1995). 
<LI> <A href="http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks">The RISKS-Forum</A>, including various
     <A href="http://www.rvs.uni-bielefeld.de/publications/#e-j-RISKS">contributions by Peter Ladkin</A>
<LI> <A href="http://sunnyday.mit.edu/book.html">Leveson: Safeware</A>
<LI> <A href="http://www.safecomp.org">SAFECOMP proceedings</A>
<LI> <A HREF="http://www.safety-club.org.uk/publish.html?opt=list">Safety-Critical Systems Symposium proceedings</A>
<LI> <A HREF="http://conferences.theiet.org/system-safety/index.htm">IET international conference on System Safety proceedings</A>



<a name="SSSILab"></a>
<H2>System Safety und/and Security: Labor/Laboratory</H2>
<P> <B>Beleg-Nr.:</B> Siehe/See eKVV<BR>
  <B>Leistungspunkte/Credit Points:</B> 3 (von/out of 5/10)<BR>
  <B>Zeit und Raum/Time and Place:</B> Verschiedene Zeiten, insbesondere Freitags 14-16/
various times, in particular Fridays 14-16 im/in RVS Lab C0-285<BR>
<P> Das Labor bietet die praktische M&ouml;glichkeit an, die Why-Because 
  Analyse mit Hilfe von Analyse-SW von Causalis Limited selbst anzuwenden. 
  Die Seminarteilnehmer werden in Gruppen von 2-3 Personen 
  eingeteilt und jede Gruppe wird selbst eine WBA von mehreren bekannten Unf&auml;llen
  durchf&uuml;hren und berichten. Das Ziel des Labors ist, zu lernen, die Technik WBA praktisch
  anzuwenden. Das Labor wird 12+ Stunden pro Woche ge&ouml;ffnet und darunter
  k&ouml;nnen Teilnehmer die Zeiten suchen, die ihnen f&uuml;r die notwendige Arbeit am besten passen. 
The laboratory course offers the chance to apply WBA to selected cases with the help of analytical software
from Causalis Limited. Participants will be divided into groups of 2 to 3 people and each group will
use WBA to analyse known accidents and deliver reports. The goal of the laboratory course is to learn
to apply WBA in practical cases. The Lab will be open 12+ hours per week and participants can
choose the most convenient times for them to perform the required work.


<a name="AppLog"></a>
<H2>Applied Logic I: Seminar</H2>
<P> <B>Beleg-Nr.:</B> Siehe/See eKVV<BR>
  <B>Leistungspunkte/Credit Points:</B> 3 (von/out of 5)<BR>
  <B>Zeit und Raum/Time and Place:</B>Dienstags/Tuesdays 14-16 im/in C0-288<BR>
Formal logic is used in varied places in informatics. Propositional and predicate logic,
as well as temporal logic and higher-order logic are used in the verification and
validation of computer algorithms, software and hardware for highly-reliable and safety-critical systems.
Belief and epistemic logics are used in symbolic artificial intelligence, especially in
multi-agent systems. Causal logics may be used in the analysis of complex systems and
their accidents. Probability and inductive logic is (or should be!) used in the assessment of
the risk of safety-critical systems. Various logics are used in formal semantics in computational linguistics. 
This two-part course offers a practical introduction to these formal logics for those who are
already acquainted with the basics of propositional logic and the language of predicate 
logic, such as found in the theoretical informatics course or the introduction to logic
offered by the Philosophy and Linguistics Departments. 
After an introduction to the material by the lecturer, participants will give their solutions
to selected problems from the literature in the form of a short seminar presentation.

<H3>Literatur/Reading Material</H3>
<LI><a href="http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/lics/">Huth, Ryan: Logic in Computer Science</a>, 2nd Edition (Cambridge University Press, 2004)
<LI><a href="http://www3.cambridge.org/us/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521775014">Hacking: An Introduction to Probability and Inductive Logic</a> 
(Cambridge University Press, 2001)
<LI><a href="http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521670265">Priest: An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic</a>, 2nd Edition (Cambridge University Press, 2008)
<a name="ThAppLog"></a>
<H2>Themes in Applied Logic: Seminar</H2>
<P> <B>Beleg-Nr.:</B> Siehe/See eKVV<BR>
  <B>Leistungspunkte/Credit Points:</B>noch nicht festgelegt/not yet determined<BR>
  <B>Zeit und Raum/Time and Place:</B>Noch nicht festgelegt/not yet determined im/in C0-288<BR>
This course offers a contination of Applied Logic I and II for people who are particularly interested
in logic and might want to pursue further work in it at the Master's or higher level.
Themes which have been proposed for Winter Semester 2010-11 include:
<LI>John Lucas's argument that a (given) human mind is not a (given) Turing machine, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in October 2009, has
beenextended by Roger Penrose, and refuted or at least declared incomplete by David Lewis and others. Which is it: correct, incomplete, or false?
<LI>John Burgess's recent high-octane survey of classical, temporal, modal, conditional, "relevantistic" and intuitionistic logics. Whew!
<LI>Ernie Adams's "introduction" to probability logic, a field which he more or less invented, based on the intuition that we are very rarely completely
sure of the truth of our premises, and what inference means in the face of this uncertainty
<LI>Other themes suggested by participants.

<H3>Literatur/Reading Material</H3>
<LI><a href="http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/lics/">Huth, Ryan: Logic in Computer Science</a>, 2nd Edition (Cambridge University Press, 2004)
<LI><a href="http://www3.cambridge.org/us/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521775014">Hacking: An Introduction to Probability and Inductive Logic</a> 
(Cambridge University Press, 2001)
<LI><a href="http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521670265">Priest: An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic</a>, 2nd Edition (Cambridge University Press, 2008)
<LI>John P. Burgess, Philosophical Logic, Princeton U.P., 2009
<LI>Ernest W. Adams, A Primer of Probability Logic, CSLI Publications, 1998.


<a name="392189"></a>
<H2>Themen in System- und Softwareengineering</H2>
<P> <B>Beleg-Nr.:</B> Siehe eKVV<BR>
  <B>Zeit und Raum:</B> Dienstags, 15:00 bis 17:00 in C0-288<BR>
In diesem Seminar wird u.a. die aktuelle Arbeit der RVS-Gruppenteilnehmer vorgestellt. 
Hauptthemengebiete sind:
System-Lifecycle von Requirements bis Decommissioning, Requirements-Engineering mit
Ontological Analysis (OA), Formale Spezifikation, Design-Spezifikation mit UML, Konsistenz-
und Vollst&auml;ndigkeits&uuml;berpr&uuml;fungen, Implementation-Relation und formale Verifikation,
Forward-Engineering (Code von Design), Validierung, Testen, Projekt-Management und 
Ressourcen-Sch&auml;tzung, typische Probleme der Wartung (Operational Maintenance).
  <LI>Lamport, Specifying Systems</LI>
  <LI>Ladkin, Causal Analysis of Systems</LI>
  <LI>Henkel, Safely Sliding Windows</LI>
  <LI>Barnes, High-Integrity Software: The SPARK Approach</LI>
  <LI>Abrial, The B Book</LI>
  <LI>Somerville, Software Engineering</LI>
  <LI>Brügge, Dutoit, Objektorientierte Softwaretechnik</LI>
  <LI>Boehm, Software Engineering Economics</LI>
  <LI>Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month</LI>
  <LI>Glass, Software Runaways</LI>
  <LI>Yourdon, Death March</LI>
  <LI>Demarco, Lister, Waltzing With Bears</LI>
  <LI>Vorlesungsskripte der AG RVS</LI>
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<li><a href="/research/WBA/" title="Why-Because Analysis">Why-Because Analysis</a></li>
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<li><a href="/Bieleschweig/" title="Bieleschweig Workshops on Root Cause Analysis and Risk Analysis">Bieleschweig Workshops</a></li>
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<div class="left">Last modification on February 24, 2011</div>
<div class="right">Author(s): <A href="mailto:ladkin@rvs.uni-bielefeld.de">Peter B. Ladkin</A></div>
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