This is an archived page and is no longer updated.
Why-Because Graphs
- The 1993 Warsaw Accident
[Postscript, portrait,
31K | Postscript, landscape,
35K | PDF, 9K]
- The 1994 Nagoya Accident
[Postscript, 65K]
- The 1995 Cali Accident
[Postscript, 44K]
- The 1996 Puerto Plata Accident
[Postscript, 21K]
- The NW052 Brussels Incident
[Postscript, 22K]
- The Ariane Flight 501 Disaster
[Postscript, 21K |
PDF, 6K]
- DIN A4 Poster with Warsaw, Nagoya and Cali
[Postscript, 229K]
- DIN A0 Poster with Warsaw, Nagoya and Cali
[Postscript, 229K]
- DIN A4 Poster with Puerto Plata, NW052 and
Ariane Flight 501
[Postscript, 154K]
- DIN A0 Poster with Puerto Plata, NW052 and
Ariane Flight 501
[Postscript, 154K]