Synopsis An Airbus A330 aircraft on flight test in Toulouse crashed while performing an autopilot test during a maximum-performance go-around (in which the aircraft aborts an approach to landing and climbs away quicly into a holding pattern). The aircraft rolled sharply, and was not recovered by Airbus's chief test pilot in time to avoid hitting the ground. A very sad day.
Questions arose not only as to what the pilots had been doing,
but also how they were aided or hindered by the design of the
systems, including the cockpit interface and the behavior of
the aircraft.
Rapport Préliminaire
of the Commission d'EnquĂȘte is in French.
The RISKS reports are:
A330 crash: Press Release by Peter Mellor;
Re: A330 crash by Curtis Jackson and
Peter Ladkin;
A Correction ... by Peter Ladkin;
A330 crash investigation .... by Erik Hollnagel;
Some comments .... by Peter Ladkin.