University of Bielefeld -  Faculty of technology
Networks and distributed Systems
Research group of Prof. Peter B. Ladkin, Ph.D.
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The complete collection of files is also available in the Tar-Archive

We digitised the Appendix with respect on the quality of our original Data. If we didn't get acceptable results, we mark them in the table beneath with "Sorry". Feel free to send us the missing pages.


p01.html Table of Contents
p02.html Preface
p1-10.htm Page 1-10 (Section 1, Subsection 1.5. (15.1-15.23))
p11-20.htm Page 11-20 (Section 1, Subsection 1.5 -1.7 (15.24-17.233))
p20-3 Page 20-30 (Section 1, Subsection 1.7 (17.233-17.332.4))
p31-4.htm Page 31-40 (Section 1, Subsection 1.8-1.9 (18.1-19.231))
p41-5.htm Page 41-50 (Section 1, Subsection 1.9-1.11 (19.232-111.432))
p51-6.htm Page 51-60 (Section 1, Subsection 1.11-1.13 (111.5-113.22))
p61-7.htm Page 61-70 (Section 1, Subsection 1.13-1.15 (113.22-115.0))
p71-8.htm Page 71-80 (Section 1, Subsection 1.16-1.17 (116.1-117.112))
p81-90.htm Page 81-90 (Section 1, Subsection 1.17 (117.12-117.325))
p91-100.htm Page 91-100 (Section 1 , Subsection 1.7 (117.326-117.343.3))
p101-110.htm Page 101-110 (Section 1 , Subsection 1.7 (117.4-17.542))
p111-120.htm Page 111-120 (Section 1, Subsection 1.17 (17.55-117.922))
p121-130.htm Page 121-130 (Section 1, Subsection 1.17-1.18 (117.923-118.143))
p131-140.htm Page 131-140 (Section 1 , Subsection 1.18 (118.143-118.321))
p141-165nn.htm Page 141-163 (Section 1, Subsection 1.18-1.20 (118.322-120.7))
p165-170.htm Page 165-170 (Section 2, Subsection 2.1 (21.1-21.2))
p171-180.htm Page 171-180 (Section 2 , Subsection 2.1 (21.211-21.222))
p181-188.htm Page 181-188 (Section 2, Subsection 2.1 (21.222-21.53))
p189-210n.htm Page 189-210 (Section 2, Subsection 2.1-2.2 (21.53-22.332))
p211-230n.htm Page 211-230 (Section 2, Subsection 2.2 (22.334-22.43))
p231-250n.htm Page 231-250 (Section 2, Subsection 2.2 (22.5-22.633))
p251-270n.htm Page 251-270 (Section 2, Subsection 2.2-2.3 (22.634-23.322))
p271-295n.htm Page 271-295 (Section 2-3, Subsection 2.3-3.1 (23.33-3.1))
p296-325n.htm Page 296-325 (Section 3-4, Subsection 3.2-4.6 (3.2-46.1))
p326-332.html Page 326-332 (Section 4 , Subsection 4.6-4.8 (46.1-48.2))


p334Anex.html Page 334ff (List of Appendix, Begin of Appendix 0)
A1_1_1024.jpg Appendix 1: Map of the impact area (Part 1)
A1_2_1024.jpg Appendix 1: Map of the impact area (Part 2)
Sorry Appendix 2: The topographic map -should be digitised (bad copy)
a3.jpg Appendix 3: Map of the place where the main parts of the airplane had been found.
a4.jpg Appendix 4: Map of the place where the wrecklage of the airplane had been found.
a5.jpg Appendix 5: Diagram of the survivor's seats in the airplane.
a6-1.jpg Appenix 6: Diagram of approaching procedure
a6-2.jpg Appenix 6: Diagram of approaching procedure
a6-3.jpg Appenix 6: Diagram of approaching procedure
a6-4.jpg Appenix 6: Diagram of approaching procedure
a6-6.jpg Appenix 6: Diagram of approaching procedure
a6-7.jpg Appenix 6: Diagram of approaching procedure
a6-8.jpg Appenix 6: Diagram of approaching procedure
a6-9.jpg Appenix 6: Diagram of approaching procedure
a6-10.jpg Appenix 6: Diagram of approaching procedure
Sorry Appenix 7: Graphik of the QAR parameters -should be digitised (bad copy)
a8page1-2.htm Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-2.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-3.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-4.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-5.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-6.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-7.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-8.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-9.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-10.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-11.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-12.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-13.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-14.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-15.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-16.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-17.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-18.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a8-19.jpg Appenix 8: Extract of the CVR transcription
a9-1.jpg Appenix 9: Transcription of the ATC
a9-2.jpg Appenix 9: Transcription of the ATC
a9-3.jpg Appenix 9: Transcription of the ATC
a9-4.jpg Appenix 9: Transcription of the ATC
a9-5.jpg Appenix 9: Transcription of the ATC
a9-6.jpg Appenix 9: Transcription of the ATC
a9-7.jpg Appenix 9: Transcription of the ATC
a9-8.jpg Appenix 9: Transcription of the ATC
a9-9.jpg Appenix 9: Transcription of the ATC
a9-10.jpg Appenix 9: Transcription of the ATC
a10-1.jpg Appenix 10: Transcription of the communication with telephone
a11-1-4.htm Appenix 11: Trajectorgraphic radar informations and additional notes
a11-5.jpg Appenix 11: Trajectorgraphic radar informations and additional notes
a11-6-8.htm Appenix 11: Trajectorgraphic radar informations and additional notes
a12-1.jpg Appenix 12: Trajector FMGC1 and trajector synthesis
a13-1.jpg Appenix 13: Meterologic dossier
a13-2.jpg Appenix 13: Meterologic dossier
a13-3.jpg Appenix 13: Meterologic dossier
a13-4.jpg Appenix 13: Meterologic dossier
a13-5.jpg Appenix 13: Meterologic dossier
a13-6.jpg Appenix 13: Meterologic dossier
a14-1.jpg Appenix 14: Potential Fault-Tree of the accident
a14-2.jpg Appenix 14: Potential Fault-Tree of the accident
a14-3.jpg Appenix 14: Potential Fault-Tree of the accident
a14-4.jpg Appenix 14: Potential Fault-Tree of the accident
a14-5.jpg Appenix 14: Potential Fault-Tree of the accident
a15-1.htm Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-2.jpg Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-3.jpg Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-4.jpg Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-5.jpg Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-6.htm Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-7.jpg Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-8.jpg Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-9.htm Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-10-11.htm Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-12.jpg Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-13.htm Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-14.jpg Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-15-17.htm Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-18.jpg Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-19.jpg Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-20.jpg Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-21-22.htm Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-23.jpg Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
a15-24-25.htm Appenix 15: Description of the flight and navigation systems of the A320
Sorry Appenix 16: Some Photos of the A320 -should be digitised (bad copy)

The Air Inter Strasbourg A320 report was digitised by Karin Jansen.
This Page was created by Michael Blume
Peter B. Ladkin, 1999-02-08
Last modification on 1999-06-15
by Michael Blume